Flooding, Prayon (Belgium) 2021

© Blue Shield Belgium – Lucas Verhaegen

Earthquake, Kathmandu (Nepal) 2015

© Nabin K. Sapkota under CC BY-SA 4.0

Fire, Anzegem (Belgium) 2014

© Vlaams Gewest

Tornado, Ciney (Belgium) 2010

© Région Wallonne

Fire, Notre Dame de Paris (France) 2019

© Baidax under CC BY-SA 4.0

Flooding, Namur (Belgium) 2021

© Blue Shield Belgium – Britt Claes

Blue Shield Belgium: protecting heritage in crisis


The Blue Shield is an international non-governmental, independent and neutral organisation established to protect cultural heritage worldwide in emergencies. This includes both material (movable and immovable) and immaterial cultural heritage threatened by armed conflict or natural or man-made disasters.

The Belgian committee of the Blue Shield – Blue Shield Belgium – was established in 2000. The association promotes the ratification and implementation as well as respect for the Hague Convention and its Protocols; it contributes to increasing awareness of the importance of protecting cultural heritage in emergencies, promotes and provides relevant training, promotes society’s involvement and participation in the protection of cultural heritage, encourages cooperation with and between other relevant entities involved in emergencies.

In the event of an emergency and/or armed conflict inside or outside Belgian territory, the association can make its know-how and experts available at the request of national or international authorities or on its own initiative.

Read more about our objectives here


To stay informed about our activities, follow us on LinkedIn and Facebook ! 


Contact us

In emergency situations, you can reach us (24/7) via :

Tel. : +32 (0) 499 78 59 89

For non-urgent requests for assistance, please fill in this form or contact us at office[at]blueshieldbelgium.be

Address : Jubelpark 1, 1000 Brussels

Some highlights…

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