As part of the CHrisis project and with the formal agreement of the Rijksdienst Cultureel Erfgoed Nederland (RCE), the KIK-IRPA took the initiative to translate the poster “Waterbewust worden-zijn-doen in 5 stappen” to French for Brussels and Wallonia and to Dutch for Brussels.

This infographic helps heritage managers protect their heritage and collections from water-related disasters.

The Water Poster shows through five steps what a heritage manager can do to prepare for flooding or extreme rainfall. This may seem unlikely, but the July 2021 floods showed that it is best to take such disasters into account. In addition, extreme rainfall is occurring with increasing frequency due to climate change. As a result, the likelihood of heritage assets suffering water damage is increasing.

This translation was produced with the cooperation of the partners:

  • Blue Shield Belgium
  • Brussels Museums
  • MSW
  • ICOMOS Wallonie-Bruxelles
  • ICOMOS Wallonie-Bruxelles
  • Urban Brussels

Funded by the Federal Science Policy Office (Belspo) through the CHrisis project

The poster ‘Dégâts des eaux’ can be consulted and downloaded from our page Resources – First Aid measures.

[For a version in English, see the original Water Poster from the RCE available here.]

Poster EAU - petit
Waterposter FR – Poster dégâts des eaux [light]