Dear friends of cultural heritage,
Last July, Belgium was hit by devastating floods of unprecedented magnitude. Wallonia was the hardest hit by these bad weather. Our thoughts are with the victims of this terrible disaster.
We mobilize all our resources to help where we can be most useful. Since the beginning of the floods, our Heritage Crisis Committee has been working on the disaster sites. We work closely with the managers or owners of cultural heritage and volunteer teams to coordinate emergency assistance.
The Crisis Committee, composed of institutions, cultural administrations, associations and non-governmental organisations in the heritage sector, is mobilising to raise the alarm on the impact of these events on Belgian cultural heritage.
Today, a month after the disaster, the waters have receded and it is urgent to intervene in order to limit the considerable damage and loss to the heritage. The provisional balance sheet already amounts to more than 200 affected sites: buildings, monuments, churches, museums, archives and collections. The rescue of Belgian heritage will be a long-term task.
Heritage owners or managers and volunteers make every effort to save these cultural treasures. They urgently need your help! Support the rescue of Belgian heritage today before it’s too late!
A donation of 100 euros actually costs you only 55 euros after tax deduction. Your donation will help us save Belgian heritage, in particular by:
- purchase and distribution of emergency equipment to combat mould
- emergency clean-up of damaged heritage objects and sites
- the reopening of the affected cultural sites
Thank you from the heart for your support and generosity!
For the Belgian Blue Shield Committee, partner of the Heritage Crisis Committee and the Donors’ Circle

Gustaaf Janssens, président

Your tax certificate
The King Baudouin Foundation has opened a “Flood Heritage” donor circle to help save our heritage. Donations from 40 euros per year made to the Foundation benefit from a tax reduction of 45% of the amount actually paid, which appears on the tax certificate. This tax deduction is granted by the Belgian State and the King Baudouin Foundation will issue you your tax certificate in February of next year.
You can also make a donation by bank transfer to the account of the “Heritage \ Floods” Donor Circle, managed by the King Baudouin Foundation: BE10 0000 0000 0404 \u2012 BIC BPOTBEB1 with structured communication ***623/3661/60056***.